9 Mayıs 2010 Pazar

Benefits of Deep Abdominal Breathing

I cannot say enough about the many benefits of deep abdominal breathing. Breathing connects our body to spirit. The umbilical cord breathes and prepares us for our journey in the outside world.

Our breathing contributes significantly to our health. I regard it as one of our most essential tools in healing.

    • Every living thing breathes.

    • Breathing is the vital means we supply oxygen to our bodies.

    • Oxygen is essential for all parts of our body. It is essential for the integrity of our glands, organs and for our brain and nerves.

    • We can live without food for weeks, without water for days, but we will die in a few minutes if we do not have oxygen.

    • Oxygen purifies the blood stream.

    • Oxygen gives us energy and a clear mind.

    • Our brain requires more oxygen than any other organ.

    • Breathing also gets rid of waste products and toxins.

    • Research has shown that when oxygen is withdrawn normal body cells can turn cancerous.

    • Shallow breathing causes premature aging.

    • Shallow breathing stops you from changing the air at the base of your lungs.

    • No machine or man made object, or product, equals our amazing lungs.

    • Use deep abdominal breathing/diaphragmatic breathing as well as chest breathing. This will stimulate to massage abdominal organs and even correct certain inflictions such as heartburn, and gas, as well as calming the nervous system.

    • Breathe through the nose where the tiny hairs can filter anything harmful.

    • Deep breathing allows the lungs to become healthy and strong.

    • Rejuvenates the skin.

    • Rejuvenates the glands, especially the pituitary and pineal.

    • Reduces the work load on the heart.

    • Lowers blood pressure.

    • Reduces insomnia.

    • Relaxes our body and mind.

    • Use power breathing exercises each day.

    See the book, 'Super Power Breathing' by Paul and Patricia Bragg.

Breathing Exercise

    • Stand or lie down.

    • Relax shoulders and upper back

    • Ground yourself.

    • Put your hand on your abdomen, below the navel.

    • Inhale, through your nose, into your lower abdomen.

    • Count to three.

    • Pause for a count of two.

    • Exhale slowly through your nose to a count of three.

    • Repeat eight to ten times.

    • Practice these deep abdominal breathingexercises daily.

Practice noticing your breath. Practice resting in-between the inhale and the exhale. Pause before you speak, or answer the phone. Allow others to finish their sentences. Be aware of things around you. Be aware of your speech..

Mucus and Phlegm

    • Live a balanced healthy life

    • Avoid all dairy.

    • Eat a mucusless diet.

    • Drink 8 or more glasses of distilled water a day.

    • Use fruit juices such as grapefruit, orange, or lemon.

    • Use cayenne, marshmallow, chickweed, mullein, comfrey, horehound, and anise to clear congestion.

    • Buy a good filter for your home.

    • Make sure you are getting enough vitamin C from a natural source i.e. orange juice.

    • Use a hot vapor or steam bath.


    • Make major changes where necessary.

    • Follow the guidelines for getting rid of mucus and phlegm.

    • Use natural remedies to get rid of asthma.

Lobelia for Asthma

    • Keep the tincture of lobelia on hand.

    • Use 20 drops in water at the start of an attack.

    • Repeat every 30 minutes three to four times.

There is always another way!


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